School Uniform
Our school uniform consists of:
- Royal blue / cobalt blue jumper or cardigan;
- White polo shirt;
- Black or grey trousers / short trousers / skirt / pinafore dress;
- Black school shoes.
Summer alternative:
- Blue & white gingham summer dress (as appropriate for the weather).
PE Kit:
- Royal blue / cobalt blue jumper or cardigan (as above);
- White polo shirt (as above);
- Black joggers / black PE shorts;
- Trainers (any colour).
School uniform applies for all children in reception to year 6.
On PE days, children should arrive in their PE kit. If they are taking part in a sport activity at After School Club – and this takes place on a non-PE day - children can either wear their PE kit that day, or bring PE kit or other suitable sportswear to change into.
Existing uniform can still be used during a transition period. However, new purchases should meet the above requirements. We will continue to sell uniform at school, including jumpers and cardigans emblazoned with the school logo. However, the logo is optional and uniform items can be purchased elsewhere (e.g. supermarkets) as long as they are in line with the policy.
We have some stock of red cardigans and jumpers, plus a few round-neck PE T-shirts. In order to avoid wastage, these can be purchased and used, however I ask that items bought from elsewhere are in line with the above.
Uniform Order
Some items of uniform we have in stock, but uniform can be ordered. Please contact us to order school uniform through the office. Note that uniform items can be purchased elsewhere (e.g. supermarkets) as long as they are in line with the above policy.