School Meals
Meals are prepared in the school kitchen by our cook is Mrs Judith Warnock. Every effort is made to meet individual dietary requirements - if your child has a specific dietary requirement, please notify the school office in writing.
The menus are on a three weekly cycle.
Dinner Money, at £2.10 per day, is paid every Monday morning. Children who are absent on this day should bring it as soon as they return to school. Meals paid for but not taken, owing to absence, are credited to the following week.
Some children do not take school dinners and provision is made for those who wish to do so to bring a packed lunch. Packed lunches should be brought to school in secure containers, labelled with the child’s name, and with appropriate food hygiene precautions taken, such as an ice pack.
Water is made available, but you may prefer to supply a drink. Any drinks supplied should be in plastic flasks or bottles or other safe containers. Cans or glass should not be brought, nor fizzy drinks or sweets.
Please can parents who wish their children to change their lunchtime arrangements, where possible, give a week's notice to the School Office?
Free School Meals and Infant Free School Meals
Currently all infant children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to free school meals. If you feel your family may be entitled to free school meals, it is still worth applying as you could then receive further benefits such as uniform grants. The forms can be printed off from our website, the County Council Website or are available in the school office - for further information contact school.
If your child is in Reception to Year 2 and you are on a low income or in receipt of benefits, you may be entitled to the Pupil Premium. We strongly advise applying for this as is means the school receives additional funding which we can use to enhance your child's school experience.